Looking for Alaska by John Green — Getting back at the school snobs, coming out of your shell, developing friendships, honoring the dead — who knew how useful (or meaningful) pranks could be?
The Year of Secret Assignments by Jaclyn Moriarty — The pranks start out in fun, and then as a way to put a jerk in his place, but if Emily, Lydia, and Cassie aren’t careful, they’ll end up in more trouble (personal and public) than they expected.
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart — Frankie knows she’s just as bold and clever as the school’s all-boys band of pranksters, and what better way to prove it than to wrap them up in her own string of pranks?
A Match Made in High School by Kristin Walker — What starts as a prank war between two “newly-weds” leads Fiona to discover surprising truths about herself, her friends, and her supposed enemies.
Goth Girl Rising by Barry Lyga — Kyra is determined to get back at Fanboy for abandoning her, and if she has her way, these pranks are only the beginning. That is, if she can get herself to completely believe he deserves it.
What are your favorite book-ish pranks?
Oh, what a great post! I loved Looking for Alaska and Secret Assignments, and Kristin Walker’s and Barry Lyga’s books are ones I can’t wait to read. With me, it’s not the pranks that do it, necessarily, but just how much cleverer than me the main character is. That’s why I love Katniss (of The Hunger Games) and Yelena (of Poison Study). They’re so much more resourceful, cleverer, and braver than I would ever be in their situations. 🙂
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