Today is a very special day. The day that my first published book officially goes out to meet the world! I can’t count how many times I dreamed of this happening, and now that it’s real… Even for a writer, there are no words to express how amazing that feels! It’s like Christmas and my birthday and the first day of school all mixed together.
To celebrate, I’d like to announce the final GHOST release giveaway!
The idea is simple: You share your love for GHOST with other readers, and I will share more GHOST with you! I’ve got 20 copies to give away, and there’s no chance involved–be one of the first twenty to review and then ask, and you or whomever you pick shall receive. Open to everyone in the world, until October 31st!

How it works:
1. You read GHOST (ARC, library copy, or bought) and love it. (If you don’t love it and want to share that, that’s totally fine, too, it just doesn’t count for the purposes of this giveaway.)
2. You post a review on talking about why you loved it. (Reviews must be at least five sentences long and at least two of those sentences must mention your thoughts on the book, not just plot summary.)
3. You e-mail me and let me know about your review. I’ll ask you an easy question about the book to confirm you did read it.
4. I send a copy of GHOST to a friend or family member, school or library, or book-related charity that you think would enjoy it too! (Or, if you don’t own a finished copy yourself, or would like to give it to someone in person, I can send it to you.)
THIS PART OF THE GIVEAWAY NOW OVER. Already own a copy and want more book love for yourself? I’ve got a bunch of awesome ARCs to give away, too:

(FIRE, WITCH & WIZARD, and LIPS TOUCH are signed)
You could win five, three, or one of those ARCs, plus some GHOST swag. If there are enough entries, I’ll throw in a couple more copies of GHOST as well!
Just post a review of GHOST on Amazon and/or as many of the following sites as you like, and for each you post on, you’ll get an entry. You don’t need to be one of the first 20 people–this is open to anyone who posts one or more reviews of GHOST between now and October 15th. The three winners will be drawn on October 16th. Just comment and let me know which of these site(s) your review can be found on:
Happy reading!
Congrats on the release!!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! I really really REALLY hope I win something–totally out of reading material O.o
Here are my entries:
GoodReads: as WordVore prod
Powells: (as prodhi)
Borders: as Prodhi
Barnes&Noble: (as WordVore_Prod)
Shelfari: (as prodhi m)
Couldn’t do the Indigo one since I’m under 18:(
Congrats on the release!
Consider yourself entered!
Congratulations on the release! I can’t wait to read GHOST! I’ve seen some really good reviews of it! And the mini excerts you’ve been doing on Twitter, have just made me so much more excited! Awesome!
Thank you! I hope you enjoy the book. 🙂
So,we just post here to receive a copy, then when we do receive it, we go and post our reviews?
I’ve realized the post was unclear–have edited to clarify. First you review (with an ARC, library copy, or one you bought), then I send a copy to you or a chosen friend/family member/library/wherever. Thus, sharing the love! 🙂 Sorry it was unclear.
I want to be entered to win, but I haven’t read Ghost yet! :O I was sent here by the Penultimate Page, and just wanted to say that this is a really awesome give away. 🙂
You’ve got a whole month to grab one and review if you’re just after the ARCs! 🙂 Glad you like the giveaway!
I would love, love, love a copy of your book! When I read it, I will do reviews galore! Congrats!
Ack, I’ve realized the post was unclear–have edited to clarify. First you review (with an ARC, library copy, or one you bought), then I send a copy to you or a chosen friend/family member/library/wherever. Thus, sharing the love! 🙂 Sorry it was unclear.
Hey Megan =)
If I understand this right we need to read your book, post about it everywhere to have a chance to win a copy?
but if we already read your book, it means we already have one right?
Anyway I am really happy for your release! I’m sure it will be a blast!
since money is an issue right now I am waiting nicely until a copy of your book shows available on bookmooch =D Once I achieve this wait I will post my review on my blog,, librarything and goodreads like I always do =)
Happy Release day!!!
Well, the idea is that you share GHOST by having me send it to someone else as a sort of gift from you. 🙂 And you’re entered to win the ARCs well. That’s the idea, anyway!
Congrats! You must be so jazzed! Your book is on my TBR list. I’ll gladly read “Give Up the Ghost” and post a review!!
Oops, I’ve realized the post was unclear–have edited to clarify. First you review (with an ARC, library copy, or one you bought), then I send a copy to you or a chosen friend/family member/library/wherever. Thus, sharing the love! 🙂 Sorry it was unclear.
Thanks for this wonderful chance to m=win these books on your blog I will post & be back with the links!!! Keep up all your hard work your blog looks amazing!!!
Smiles ;o.) Shawna Lewis
Looks like a great launch, Megan. Congratulations. I’ll be sure to get my copy of Give Up Ghost.
I’ll post the list up here just like you told me to ^^
My blog:
I’ll come back with more links when Borders and B&N reviews work for me. Anyway happy birthday to GUTG again~!
Congratulations, & happy (belated) release day!
Review on:
Goodreads –
Chapters –
Awesome giveaway! 🙂
I really need to get my hands on a copy of Give Up the Ghost soon; I’ve read a few reviews of it already and it sounds great, something I’d definitely love. Congrats on the release!
Congrats on your release 🙂 I have to get to my book store this week, and pick myself up a copy.
WOW that so nice of you Ive read so many good things about give up the ghost i cant waite until I get to read it !!!
HI- and congrats on your release! If you have not hit 20 reviewers yet, I would love to review it for you!
Hi Lisa! The way it works (sorry if it’s not clear) is you review the book (whether you’ve bought it or gotten an ARC or borrowed it from the library), and then I send a copy either to you (if you don’t have your own) or a friend/family member/library/etc. of your choice!
Hey congrats on your release!
I posted my review:
My blog:
Barnes & Noble:
if i told you, i would love you forever , would work????????
i would love to read alll of and YOURS
Here are my reviews!
Barnes and Noble:
Megan, haven’t read it yet, just heard about it and saw the trailer and I’m chomping at the bit to go to Chapters. Just wanted to tell you I think this is an awesome promo idea. Your publisher should be so proud of you. Great job.
Congrats! I won’t be able to get a copy of the book until I get back home at Christmas but looks like your having a great launch!
would like to be enter for your book and arcs and all , lol
I already have a copy, BUT, I would like to try to get one to donate to a local school. My friend teaches English and he personally purchases books to stock his classroom library. I try to help out whenever I can by donating books to it, and since I loved GIVE UP THE GHOST so much, this would be perfect! Here are my reviews (well, it’s the same review, in many places):
My livejournal community, “Michelle’s Minions”:
My “Michelle’s Minions” message board:
well.. it’s like I thought!
Congrats!!!! I really enjoyed reading Ghost and I posted my reviews of it here:
Whether this gives me another entry or not, I posted a review of Ghost on my blog:
Oops! I just realized that the link to my B&N review doesn’t work, here’s the correct link: