Welcome to the YA Summer Scavenger Hunt! (Author #69)

Summer Scavenger Hunt

Starting June 1st (I’m putting my post up a little early) until June 7th, you can join in the Young Adult Summer Scavenger Hunt.With over 100 authors participating, there are tons of new books to discover — and to win!

I’m author #69, Megan Crewe. I write all kinds of YA, from paranormal drama (Give Up the Ghost) and post-apocalyptic survival stories (the Fallen World series) to sci-fi adventure (the Earth & Sky trilogy) and sweeping contemporary fantasy (A Mortal Song). This past week, I just released my ninth published novel, a supernatural thriller titled Beast. And I’ve been lucky to be blessed with a whole bunch of lovely covers:

Beast cover A Mortal Song cover Earth & Sky cover The Way We Fall cover

You can even grab Give Up the Ghost for FREE here:

Give Up the Ghost offer

Each participating author will have a post on their blog or website with a secret keyword for you to find. Put all those words together in order, and you’ll get a quick story you can use to enter to win the grand prize. Plus most if not all of the authors have their own giveaways too. So make sure you check them all out!

The full author list and instructions can be found here.

My secret keyword is also the end of the sentence, so you get a period along with it. 🙂 Here it is:


Follow the chain of authors to put the entire story together! Next after me is Jamie Thornton. Again, the entire list can be found here.

Want a chance to win an extra prize? I’m giving away a signed paperback copy of your choice of any of my books. Use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Open internationally. And happy hunting!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Welcome to the YA Summer Scavenger Hunt! (Author #69) — 40 Comments

  1. The book that I would be interested in reading is Beast. It just sounds really good and I want to know more about what is happening with Davey.

  2. Hello!

    It’s my first time joining the hunting. I’ve read the rules but I didn’t find anything about being national or international. I’m from Spain, hope I can participate! :]

    Best of lucks with “Beast”! 😀

    • Sorry, I didn’t reply to your question. I’m looking forward to finish The Fallen World series and I want to start the Earth & Sky trilogy. Also, Beast sounds promising too 😀

  3. I would love to read the Earth and Sky Trilogy. Those covers are amazing. I’ve been ready some great sci-fi lately including Starfall and The Ex-Pacifist.

  4. The book I’m most interested in reading is Beast, it sounds awesome and I absolutely love the cover.

  5. Thanks for the giveaway! I think all of your books are on my TBR list. I would love to read A Mortal Song. That’s the book that got me interested in you!

  6. Wow all the books look great but I would Beast is the one I am most intrigued by. Thanks for participating in the giveaway!

  7. A Mortal Song. I really love Japan! So sorry I missed your party. It looked fun but I got sick. . .

  8. Hi, I am wondering if the ferrets survived the explosion, or at all, in the Fallen World Series. I had to put the book down right away and find out.

    • Hi! Honestly, I didn’t decide one way or the other. Well, I know they survived the explosion, because it didn’t hit Kaelyn’s house. But as to whether they survive after she leaves… If you’re an optimist, it’s totally within the realm of possibility that they managed to start fending for themselves in the wild. 🙂

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