The Fallen World Street Team giveaway begins!

With the release of The Worlds We Make just five weeks away, and The Lives We Lost out in paperback next week, it’s time for some street team action! And action, of course, must be rewarded. 🙂

If you are already a member of the Fallen World street team, you should have received an email with your list of tasks. (If you haven’t, please let me know.) If you aren’t a member but would like to join in, sign up below and I’ll send you the task list ASAP. Readers from all around the world are welcome.

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Like last year, all street team members who participate even a little will receive a street team swag pack with a signed bookmark, bookplate, and a magnet, as well as getting their name in the thank you list on my website (unless you’d prefer not to):

Completing street team tasks will also earn you points toward this year’s big prize packs. The street team members who earn the most points will automatically win a prize pack, and one additional winner will be chosen by random draw (one entry per point earned), so everyone has a chance! What’s up for grabs?

-Signed hardcover of The Worlds We Make, with five notes (different in each copy) giving background about what’s going on in the story, info on why I made the choices I did, or other behind the scenes secrets.
-Your choice of any three from: Signed hardcover or paperback of The Way We Fall, signed hardcover or paperback of The Lives We Lost, signed hardcover or paperback of Give Up the Ghost, any novel off of Megan’s “After you read The Way We Fall” list.
-A $10 iTunes giftcard you can use to buy songs from the unofficial soundtracks, or any other music to keep you going on long journeys. (not pictured–ecard)
-A $10 Amazon gift card to support your other reading. (not pictured–ecard)
-A The Way We Fall journal and pen.
-A bottle of Fallen World hand sanitizer.
-The first chapter of Megan’s next book, the first in the Earth & Sky trilogy. (not pictured)

In addition, the three prize pack winners will get to chose two items from the following prize pile (only one of each item pictured):

-Three CD audiobooks for The Lives We Lost
-Three Fallen World T-shirts (available sizes: Small, Medium, and 2XL)
-A Fallen World water bottle
-Four foreign editions of The Way We Fall (available: Australian (English), Hungarian, Spanish x 2)

Ready to get started? Jump right in! The street team giveaway is on-going until March 18th, so you have lots of time to earn those points.


The Fallen World Street Team giveaway begins! — 5 Comments

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