I was never a very good journal writer. (And always aware of that fact — my very first entry in my very first diary begins, I won’t write every day. I’m not good at that.) And I haven’t kept a journal in years. But during my teens I periodically turned to journals as a way of getting out all the things I wanted to express but couldn’t quite seem to with my parents and friends; a way of analyzing the behavior of my peers (particularly boys); and a way of recording the things that had happened right after they did, so that I could look back later and find out what really happened, not just what my memory had come up with (and actually, reading over these journals I’ve sometimes discovered that what I wrote at the time was quite different from what I remembered later. So they have served that purpose).
And now, they’re a way of offering you all a glimpse inside the head of this YA writer, as a teen.
Every week or so, I’ll be posting a flashback — an entry from one of my preteen or teenaged journals — along with some supplementary commentary on issues I didn’t end up writing about. All entries will be unedited (other than occasional spelling mistakes I may fix). Names will be substituted with letters so as not to intrude on anyone else’s privacy — the reoccurring letters can be found in The Cast post.
I hope you enjoy spending time with my young adult self!