To give Toronto area folks a heads up, I’m going to be making a couple of appearances around the city next week.
On Sunday Sept 22, I’ll be participating in Word On The Street, which is taking place from 11am to 6pm in Queen’s Park Circle. My panel, with fellow YA authors Maureen McGowan and Eve Silver, is at 3pm at the This Is Not The Shakespeare Stage, and we’ll be talking about the alternate realities we created in our books. Should be a fun discussion!
On Friday Sept 27, I’ll be hanging out at Chapters Bayview from 5pm to 7pm as part of their Teacher Appreciation Day. Teachers (and possibly other folks too — you can check to confirm) will get an additional discount on any books they purchase, and of course I’m happy to sign for, give out swag to, and chat with any readers who stop by. 🙂
Hope to see you at one or both!
As of now I’m planning to be at WOTS, so hopefully I’ll see you there! =)
Yay! 🙂